All peer-reviewed publications
Lab members are bolded and undergraduate students are underlined. * = contributed equally, † = co-senior authorship
In press
Watowich MM, Chiou KL, Graves B, Montague MJ, Brent LJN, Higham JP, Horvath JE, Lu A, Martinez MI, Platt ML, Schneider-Crease IA, Lea AJ, Snyder-Mackler N. Best practices for genotype imputation from low-coverage sequencing data in natural populations. Molecular Ecology Resources. PMID: 37602981. PMCID: PMC10879460.
Watowich MM, Costa CE, Chiou KL, Goldman EA, Petersen RM, Patterson S, Montague MJ, Cayo Biobank Research Unit, Horvath JE, Sterner KN, Martinez MI, Platt ML, Brent LJN, Higham JP, Lea AJ†, Snyder-Mackler N†. Immune gene regulation is associated with age and environmental adversity in a nonhuman primate. Molecular Ecology 33, e17445. PMID: 39032090.
DeCasien AR*, Chiou KL*, Testard C, Mercer A, Negrón-Del Valle JE, Bauman Surratt SE, González O, Stock MK, Ruiz-Lambides AV, Martínez MI, Cayo Biobank Research Unit, Antón SC, Walker CS, Sallet J, Wilson MA, Brent LJN, Montague MJ, Sherwood CC, Platt ML, Higham JP†, Snyder-Mackler N†. Evolutionary and biomedical implications of sex differences in the primate brain transcriptome. Cell Genomics 4, 100589. PMID: 38942023. [preprint]
Frye BM*, Negrey JD*, Johnson CSC, Kim J, Barcus RA, Lockhart SN, Whitlow CT, Chiou KL, Snyder-Mackler N, Montine TJ, Craft S, Shively CA†, Register TC†. Mediterranean diet protects against a neuroinflammatory cortical transcriptome: associations with brain volumetrics, peripheral inflammation, social isolation, and anxiety in nonhuman primates (Macaca fascicularis). Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 119, 681-692. PMID: 38636565. [preprint]
Jarvey JC, Low BS, Azanaw Haile A, Chiou KL, Snyder-Mackler N, Lu A, Bergman TJ, Beehner JC, Schneider-Crease IA. Aggression rates increase around seasonally exploited resources in a primarily grass-eating primate. Behavioral Ecology 35, arad079.
Newman LE*, Testard C*, DeCasien AR, Chiou KL, Watowich MM, Janiak MC, Pavez-Fox MA, Sanchez-Rosado MR, Cooper EB, Costa CE, Petersen RM, Montague MJ, Platt ML†, Brent LJN†, Snyder-Mackler N†, Higham JP†. The biology of aging in a social world: insights from free-ranging rhesus macaques. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 154, 105424. PMID: 37827475. PMCID: PMC10872885. [preprint]
Chiou KL*, Huang X*, Bohlen MO, Tremblay S, DeCasien AR, O’Day DR, Spurrell CH, Gogate AA, Zintel TM, Cayo Biobank Research Unit, Andrews MG, Martínez MI, Starita LM, Montague MJ, Platt ML†, Shendure J†, Snyder-Mackler N†. A single-cell multi-omic atlas spanning the adult rhesus macaque brain. Science Advances 9, eadh1914. PMID: 37824616. PMCID: PMC10569716. [preprint]
DeLacey PM, Sen S, Schneider-Crease IA, Chiou KL, Lemma A, Ayele F, Lu A, Bergman TJ, Beehner JC, Snyder-Mackler N. Vascularization underlies differences in sexually selected skin coloration in a wild primate. Molecular Ecology 32, 4401-4411. PMID: 37226287. [preprint]
Prater KE*, Green KJ*, Mamde S, Sun W, Cochoit A, Smith CL, Chiou KL, Heath L, Rose SE, Keene CD, Kwon RY, Snyder-Mackler N, Blue EE, Logsdon B, Young JE, Shojaie A, Garden GA, Jayadev S. Human microglia show unique transcriptional changes in Alzheimer’s disease. Nature Aging 3, 894–907. PMID: 37248328. PMCID: PMC10353942. [preprint]
Sørensen EF*, Harris RA*, Zhang L*, Raveendran M*, Kuderna L, Walker JA, Storer JM, Kuhlwilm M, Fontsere C, Seshadri L, Bergey CM, Burrell AS, Bergman J, Phillips-Conroy JE, Shiferaw F, Chiou KL, Chuma IS, Keyyu JD, Fischer J, Gingras M-CC, Salvi S, Doddapaneni H, Schierup MH, Batzer MA, Jolly CJ, Knauf S, Zinner D, Farh KK-H, Marques-Bonet T, Munch K, Roos C, Rogers J. Genome-wide coancestry reveals details of ancient and recent male-driven reticulation in baboons. Science 380, eabn8153. PMID: 37262153. [preprint]
DeLacey PM*, Perlman RF*, Sen S, Schneider-Crease I, Chiou KL, Lemma A, Ayele F, Higham JP, Lu A, Snyder-Mackler N, Beehner JC, Bergman TJ. Assessing male gelada chest patches: color measurement and physiological mechanisms. Mammalian Biology 102, 751-763.
Schneider-Crease IA, Chiou KL, Moya IL, Lemma A, Ayele F, Azanaw Haile A, Kebede F, Abebe B, Bergman TJ, Beehner JC, Lu A, Lund MC, Custer JM, Kraberger S, Snyder-Mackler N, Varsani A. A novel statovirus identified in fecal samples from wild geladas in the Ethiopian highlands. Archives of Virology 167, 2709-2713. PMID: 36269418.
Chiou KL*, DeCasien AR*, Rees KP, Testard C, Spurrell CH, Gogate AA, Pliner HA, Tremblay S, Mercer A, Whalen CJ, Negrón-Del Valle JE, Janiak MC, Bauman Surratt SE, González O, Compo NR, Stock MK, Ruiz-Lambides AV, Martínez MI, Cayo Biobank Research Unit, Wilson MA, Melin AD, Antón SC, Walker CS, Sallet J, Newbern JM, Starita LM, Shendure J, Higham JP, Brent LJN, Montague MJ, Platt ML, Snyder-Mackler N. Multiregion transcriptomic profiling of the primate brain reveals signatures of aging and the social environment. Nature Neuroscience 25, 1714-1723. PMID: 36424430, PMCID: PMC10055353.
Schneider-Crease IA*, Weyher AH*, Mubemba B, Kamilar JM, Petersdorf M, Chiou KL. Stronger maternal social bonds and higher rank are associated with accelerated infant maturation in Kinda baboons. Animal Behaviour 189, 47–57.
Chiou KL, Janiak MC, Schneider-Crease IA, Sen S, Ayele F, Chuma IS, Knauf S, Lemma A, Signore AV, D’Ippolito AM, Abebe B, Azanaw Haile A, Kebede F, Fashing PJ, Nguyen N, McCann C, Houck ML, Wall JD, Burrell AS, Bergey CM, Rogers J, Phillips-Conroy JE, Jolly CJ, Melin AD, Storz JF, Lu A, Beehner JC, Bergman TJ, Snyder-Mackler N. Genomic signatures of high-altitude adaptation and chromosomal polymorphism in geladas. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6, 630–643. PMID: 35332281, PMCID: PMC9090980. [preprint] [behind the paper]
Testard C, Brent LJN, Andersson J, Chiou KL, Negron-Del Valle JE, DeCasien AR, Acevedo-Ithier A, Stock MK, Antón SC, Gonzalez O, Walker CS, Foxley S, Compo NR, Bauman S, Ruiz-Lambides AV, Martinez MI, Skene JHP, Horvath JE, Cayo Biobank Research Unit, Higham JP, Miller K, Snyder-Mackler N, Montague MJ, Platt ML†, Sallet J†. Social connections predict brain structure in a multidimensional free-ranging primate society. Science Advances 8, abl5794. PMID: 35417242, PMCID: PMC9007502.
Watowich MM, Chiou KL, Montague MJ, Simons ND, Horvath JE, Ruiz-Lambides AV, Martínez MI, Higham JP, Brent LJN, Platt ML, Snyder-Mackler N. Natural disaster and immunological aging in a nonhuman primate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119, e2121663119. PMID: 35131902, PMCID: PMC8872742.
Chiou KL, Blair ME. Modeling niches and mapping distributions: progress and promise of ecological niche models for primate research. In FL Dolins, CA Shaffer, LM Porter, JR Hickey, NP Nibbelink (Eds.), Spatial Analysis in Field Primatology: Applying GIS at Varying Scales (pp. 315–348). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. OCLC: 1115008761. [preprint]
Chiou KL, Montague MJ, Goldman EA, Watowich MM, Sams SN, Song J, Horvath JE, Sterner KN, Ruiz-Lambides AV, Martínez MI, Higham JP, Brent LJN, Platt ML, Snyder-Mackler N. Rhesus macaques as a tractable physiological model of human ageing. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375, 20190612. PMID: 32951555, PMCID: PMC7540946. [preprint]
Schneider-Crease I, Chiou KL, Snyder-Mackler N, Bergman TJ, Beehner JC, Lu A. Beyond infant death: the hidden costs of male immigration in geladas. Animal Behaviour 159, 89–95.
Melin AD, Webb SE, Williamson RE, Chiou KL. Data collection in field primatology: a renewed look at measuring foraging behaviour. In U Kalbitzer, KM Jack (Eds.), Primate Life Histories, Sex Roles, and Adaptability – Essays in Honour of Linda M. Fedigan (pp. 161–192). Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects. New York, NY: Springer. OCLC: 1044866870.
Tsukayama P, Boolchandani M, Patel S, Pehrsson EC, Gibson MK, Chiou KL, Jolly CJ, Rogers J, Phillips-Conroy JE, Dantas G. Characterization of wild and captive baboon gut microbiota and their antibiotic resistomes. mSystems 3, e00016-18. PMID: 29963641, PMCID: PMC6020475.
Chiou KL*, Bergey CM*. Methylation-based enrichment facilitates low-cost, noninvasive genomic scale sequencing of populations from feces. Scientific Reports 8, 1975. PMID: 29386638, PMCID: PMC5792461. [preprint] [protocol]
Melin AD, Chiou KL, Walco ER, Bergstrom ML, Kawamura S, Fedigan LM. Trichromacy increases fruit intake rates of wild capuchins (Cebus capucinus imitator). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114, 10402–10407. PMID: 28894009, PMCID: PMC5625910.
Lima MGM, Buckner JC, Silva-Júnior JdSe, Aleixo A, Martins AB, Boubli JP, Link A, Farias IP, da Silva MN, Rhe F, Queiroz H, Chiou KL, Di Fiore A, Alfaro ME, Lynch Alfaro JW. Capuchin monkey biogeography: understanding Sapajus Pleistocene range expansion and the current sympatry between Cebus and Sapajus. Journal of Biogeography 44, 810–820..
Lynch Alfaro JW, Boubli JP, Olson LE, Di Fiore A, Wilson B, Gutiérrez-Espeleta GA, Chiou KL, Schulte M, Neitzel S, Ross V, Schwochow D, Nguyen MTT, Farias I, Janson CH, Alfaro ME. Explosive Pleistocene range expansion leads to widespread Amazonian sympatry between robust and gracile capuchin monkeys. Journal of Biogeography 39, 272–288.
Chiou KL, Pozzi L, Lynch Alfaro JW, Di Fiore A. Pleistocene diversification of living squirrel monkeys (Saimiri spp.) inferred from complete mitochondrial genome sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 59, 736–745. PMID: 21443955. [preprint]
Non peer-reviewed publications
Chiou K, Snyder-Mackler N. Genetic chimerism: marmosets contain multitudes. eLife 13, e97866. PMID: 38661001. PMCID: PMC11045216.